Workplace Motivation Training
The concept of workplace motivation is a complicated one. Many people believe that motivation can only be found in the home, in a family context and/or through social groups. These are all well and fine. The fact remains that employee motivation is something that needs to be considered and dealt with on a regular basis in the workplace. It's a fact that most employees aren't happy in their jobs and they don't see an improvement in the conditions of their working environments. That being said, there are still some core theories and concepts that can be used to create motivation in the workplace.
The first and foremost of these theories is the needs theory. Motivation needs to be thought about and analyzed on both an intrinsic and extrinsic level. An intrinsic need is something that has to be met for the individual to be able to produce quality work. Extrinsic needs, however, are those that come from an outside source, such as the financial rewards of reaching certain goals or opportunities.
The second theory is the influence theory. This states that individuals will be motivated to perform a task or set of tasks by the consequences that they will reap if they do not meet the set standard. Group preferences, norms and even group loyalty can also play a role in the motivation of an individual at the workplace.
The third theory is the influence theory. This states that individuals will be more likely to be motivated to perform a task or set of tasks if they understand that their performance affects the results of their performance. Group norms, a set of rules that govern behavior in a work environment, can also affect a person's motivation to succeed. Finally, the fourth theory, which is somewhat related to the other three, is the reciprocity theory. Individuals who are given a reward for their good performance will also be more likely to want to perform as well, and will be more motivated to work hard in order to receive this reward.
These theories may all sound interesting, and they do provide a framework through which to understand motivation. However, not all of these theories are true. For example, the fourth theory, the reciprocity theory, does not really explain why we would be motivated to perform a task if we don't get a reward for our effort. Also, the motivation to work hard can also be related to feelings of worthiness and self-worth. Therefore, these four theories can be complimentary to each other and not used to explain separate aspects of motivation.
Understanding the various theories that are related to motivation can be difficult if one only has access to descriptions of motivation from past generations. Fortunately, several recent books on motivation present explanations of motivation that are relevant to today's world. Two of these recent books, The Efficient Markets Hypothesis and Why Companies Fail by James C. Anderson and Greg Mairac, have each proposed viable alternative explanations for why people are motivated to work. The Efficient Markets Hypothesis is concerned with market conditions, while The Why Companies Fail model is about internal issues within the company. If you would like to learn more about these two theories, then these books are recommended reading.
In addition to books such as these, there are also many conference and workshop participants who continue to explore new areas of motivation. Different organizations, companies, and schools have been holding workshops and conferences to discuss topics such as motivation and its effects on the workplace. If you belong to an organization or company that is looking into implementing new ways to inspire and motivate its employees, then you may want to attend one of these workshops. These workshops are usually held around the country and around the world.
Another theory related to motivation in the workplace is the hygiene factors theory. This theory is concerned with the psychological makeup of the people in an organization. It explains why some people are motivated to work harder than others, while at the same time, why some people may be motivated by personal relationships and hobbies, while another may be motivated by financial concerns. Therefore, if you are trying to improve employee motivation, you should consider all of these different theories.